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Dragonvein Book Four Page 32

  Vraylic appeared. “You called for me, Your Majesty?”

  He glanced up only for the briefest of moments before returning his eyes to the floor. Obviously he had already heard of the change in his Emperor’s body and was not about to risk his life by appearing to question it.

  “Do you know what this is?” Shinzan asked him.

  He shook his head. “I do not, Your Majesty.”

  “This is what brought me to your world long ago. And it is also what will take me away when my purpose for coming here is completed.” He regarded the man for a lengthy moment. “Does the knowledge that I intend to leave Lumnia please you?”

  “If it pleases you, Your Majesty, then I am pleased as well.”

  Shinzan chuckled softly. “Ever the survivor you are, Vraylic. Though I am changed, I can still see why I have yet to end your miserable existence.” He turned back to face the source of his power. “But killing you would be a kindness. And thanks to this new body of mine, I am far less kind than I once was.”

  He ran his hands over the spire's surface. It yielded to his touch as if made from silk, beckoning him to join with it. This had been his home for years beyond measure. Since the very beginning. Within this vessel he had traveled the universe and drunk in its power. Here, he had become what he was. He had grown and changed far beyond the intentions of those who…

  He shook his head, snarling. Not them. He did not like it when their cursed memory invaded his thoughts. It made him...unreasonable.

  After taking a deep breath, he turned back to Vraylic. “Have you been taking good care of our guest?”

  “I have, Your Majesty. Lady Illyrian remains in her chambers as you commanded. She has made no attempt to leave.”

  “No. She wouldn’t. But I think she will soon wish that she'd tried.” He gestured for Vraylic to come closer. “Have you ever been to the desert east of Noel?”

  “No, Your Majesty. It is forbidden.”

  “Indeed. But surely you’ve wondered why. Why would I forbid anyone from venturing out into such an empty, desiccated place?”

  “I have never questioned it, Your Majesty.” He shifted uncomfortably on his feet. “It is not my place to do so.”

  Shinzan placed a hand firmly on Vraylic’s shoulder. “You may be a cowardly sniveling fool. But you are obedient. So as a reward, I will show you the reason for my prohibition.”

  Without any further word of warning, he made the two of them shoot skyward at blinding speed. An astonished Vraylic involuntarily clutched at Shinzan’s arm, but then quickly released him again as though his fingers had been scorched. Shinzan merely laughed.

  After thirty minutes of flight, the sands in the distance began to emit a soft green glow. It wasn’t until they were much closer that Vraylic was able to discern the cause. It was crystals. Thousands upon thousands of them. As they dropped gently onto the ground, he could see that every single one of them contained a man in full armor and with a sword at his side.

  “This is what shall begin the doom of all life on Lumnia,” Shinzan told him. His lips formed into a devilish grin.

  Stepping away from the Emperor, Vraylic regarded the spectacle in stunned amazement. “Are they…alive?”

  “Indeed they are. This is where the silent ones have waited.”

  Vraylic could not tear his eyes away. “How…how did you…without people noticing?”

  Shinzan chuckled. “You think in such small terms. You, and all of your kind. I have had five hundred years to slowly build this army. Each one is totally loyal and obedient. And now I shall unleash them upon this world. They will march, bringing death and destruction with them until every patch of ground on Lumnia is soaked in the blood of her people.”

  Vraylic turned pale. “Why? Why would you do this?”

  “Have you learned nothing during your time under my roof? I am not here to rule. I exist solely to bring about your demise. That is my only purpose. All else has been a distraction: a mere amusement. But the time for games is over. I have lingered far too long and risked too much.”

  Tears were now welling in Vraylic’s eyes. “It makes no sense. If you kill everyone, you will be alone. For all of your cruelty, surely you do not want that.”

  “Poor fellow. You really haven’t figured it out at all, have you? Your mind is too limited to understand.” Black flames suddenly shot up all around Shinzan and his eyes glowed a dazzlingly vivid red. “I am alone. I have always been alone. And I always shall be alone. I have but one purpose. To feed. And once I have consumed all there is to be had, I move on. Do you think that this is the first world I have destroyed? No! Nor will it be the last. I am eternal, and nothing can satisfy my hunger.”

  The ground trembled, throwing Vraylic from his feet. Almost in perfect unison, every single one of the crystals housing Shinzan’s vast army began to melt away.

  “Behold!” The Emperor’s voice thundered out like great waves crashing against rocks near the shore. “The end of your people is before you.”

  Vraylic could do nothing but look on in horror as the crystals continued to dissolve. Each soldier stood perfectly still. Then, at the very moment they became totally free of their encasement, the flames around the Emperor died and the world fell silent.

  Shinzan's eyes returned to normal and his tone became almost kindly. “Now come, Vraylic. We have much to do. Lady Illyrian is waiting, and I am anxious to see her again.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The stench was inescapable. It was as if the attack had fused the very essence of death into the living rock. Even though more than three days had now passed since their arrival, Halvar still couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The entire face of the mountain had been blasted and melted away, leaving behind just an ugly mass of pitted debris.

  Several tunnels had been made by the trolls to allow those trapped inside to access the surface. Though Halvar had not seen it for himself, King Ganix had described the way in which the creatures simply caressed the rock with the flat of their palms so that it yielded to their touch. This was probably how they mined the rajni stones, he considered. Had it not been for the tragedy that had befallen his beloved kingdom, he might have been excited to have heard a firsthand account of such a marvel.

  As it was, he could only despair and lament over the devastation wrought by the Emperor. That it was achieved with a weapon crafted by his own people had compounded the misery. Shinzan might have somehow greatly enhanced its power, but it was still basically a dwarf creation. Scouts had found the spent weapon abandoned at the spot from where it had been fired. It may be harmless now that all the energy within it had been used up, but Halvar knew there were four more exactly the same, still in existence. And an army with such power at its command would be unstoppable. He doubted that even Martok could be a match.

  The last few remaining elves and dwarves had already left Elyfoss. Those who could fight had joined with the main force, while the rest had created a tent city at the base of the mountain just beyond the last of the debris.

  From his vantage point, Halvar could see King Yularian and Keira approaching. He had hoped for a talk with Ganix, but knew this was unlikely for the time being. His fellow king was deeply involved with the care of the displaced elves and dwarves, and had already stated that he would defer to him in any decisions regarding the war. Something had changed in the old dwarf. But then again, it seemed something had changed in almost everyone these days.

  “The trolls have said that they can repair all the damage to the mountain,” Keira told him on arrival. “But it will take them at least a year to complete.”

  Halvar looked at her skeptically. “In only a year? Is such a thing even possible?”

  “Trolls are wondrous creatures,” she replied. “The depth of their connection to Lumnia is largely unknown, even to the elves. All the same, if they say they can accomplish it, I trust their word. However, they are occupied with tending to their young at the moment, so it will be some time before they can commence

  “How long will they be delayed?” he asked.

  “That's difficult to say. The pain of the attack has driven their children into a fury, renewing the madness they used to suffer from your own industry. It took all of the parents' efforts just to keep them at bay long enough for everyone to evacuate the mountain. But a period of calm should eventually settle them down, and you can rest assured that your home will be as it once was as soon as possible.”

  “I still can’t believe I’ve seen a troll,” remarked Yularian. “I thought they were nothing more than a myth. To think they have dwelt here all this time without our knowledge.”

  “Please do not be offended, Your Highness,” said Halvar. “But our people have kept that secret hidden from humans quite deliberately.”

  Yularian shrugged. “No offense taken. I can understand why you would want to protect those gentle giants from rogues and adventurers. Though as I understand it, it was your people who caused them the most harm.”

  Halvar forced a level tone. “Yes. But without intent. And once we were aware of the damage we were doing, we ceased our mining immediately.”

  Tensions between the two monarchs had been high ever since the battle. On more than one occasion they had very nearly come to blows. Only Keira’s hasty interventions prevented it from actually happening.

  “None of that matters now,” she cut in quickly. “We must decide what our next course of action should be. I have spoken to King Ganix, and he suggests that those who cannot fight should return with him to his home in the north.”

  Halvar frowned. “If Shinzan should emerge from his palace, they will be no safer there than they are right here. Not to mention, the journey is long. With naught but elders and children, it would take them many weeks to get there.”

  “It's a long journey to be sure,” Yularian agreed. “But it should be a safe one. I have already received word that virtually the entire coast is ours. We can send them on ships, along with a small escort just in case they encounter any trouble. Not that this is very likely. From what I hear, most of the Emperor's forces have fled east to Kytain, so I doubt they will be looking to do anything much until they've had time to recover.”

  Halvar grunted. “My people will not enjoy a sea journey. You can be sure of that. On the other hand, it would be much quicker, and it would certainly ease the burden for those less able to travel.”

  Yularian laughed. “No, I don’t suppose dwarves would take all that well to the sea. But it is still the best way for them given the circumstances.”

  Halvar fell silent. Why did he dislike this particular human so much? The man had done nothing especially to provoke him. He had mentioned his feelings on this to King Ganix the day before, who suggested that perhaps it was simply the fact that Yularian was a king that bothered him so greatly.

  “Just before the attack came, I was feeling many of the old animosities myself,” Ganix had told him. “But we have to accept that, in the end, we are unlikely to remain as we are. Our culture will have to change. In fact, it has already begun. Like it or not, humans are by far the most powerful of the three races, if only by virtue of their sheer numbers.”

  The truth in this had not sat well with Halvar. Would he be forced to bow to human kings and queens one day in the not so distant future? Might he simply be replacing one oppressor with another? He forced such dire thoughts from his head. Fear served nothing. If such a situation did come about, the dwarf nation would not bend its knee. Of that he was confident.

  The three of them made their way to a large tent on the outskirts of the main camp. More and more human volunteers were pouring in. Word had already spread that the Emperor’s legions had been decimated, lending an extra edge of courage to those desiring to fight. That the mountain had been blasted apart did not appear to impact on their resolve. Those who had made the attack on Elyfoss had fled east immediately after striking, and most people assumed it was from fear of retaliation. But Halvar knew this not to be true. The real war had yet to begin. Whatever their gains won by Martok’s plan, Shinzan would not give up control over Lumnia.

  The ringing of blacksmith’s hammers and the scent of hot kilns was now virtually constant as weapons and armor were urgently being crafted for the largely ill-equipped newcomers. Most of the humans were either farmers or tradesmen, and it transpired that a shocking number of them had sons and daughters who had been pressed into serving the Empire. Intrigued by this, Halvar had questioned quite a few as to their reason for fighting. The most common response was that they wanted their children or relatives to be free. That they might find themselves facing a member of their own family across the battlefield was indeed a concern, but the tantalizing prospect of freedom was sufficient for them to take such a risk.

  Inside the tent, a large map of Lumnia had been laid out across a table. Yularian spent several hours explaining the challenges they would be sure to face on a prolonged campaign. His knowledge of the various nations was impressive. Even Keira, who had wandered the lands extensively, listened with keen interest.

  “All told, my army numbers about sixty thousand,” Yularian informed them. “And Queen Berathis has twice that number.”

  “Is she willing to commit them?” asked Keira.

  “That is a question only she can answer,” he replied. “The Queen is a headstrong woman of great conviction. Her hatred of Shinzan is unrivaled, so I would think that she will. But she is cunning in ways I am not.”

  “What does that mean?” Halvar asked.

  Yularian spread his hands. “It could mean many things. She may demand much from us as a reward for her help.”

  “That’s ridiculous,” scoffed Halvar. “What demands would she possibly make? We fight for the good of us all.”

  “Yes,” agreed Yularian. “But she looks ahead, and always has. She will want to be sure that once this is over, her people are in a position of advantage.”

  Halvar sniffed. “That sounds petty and small minded to me…not cunning at all.”

  “Am I to take it that you do not worry about your people’s place in the world once Shinzan is no more?” Yularian countered.

  “So what do you think she might seek from us?” Keira asked quickly, sensing another argument between them brewing. Though her voice was calm, her expression said that she shared Halvar’s feelings.

  “If it were me, I would possibly ask for trade assurances and enough gold and jewels to ensure that I would not be challenged by any who might try to usurp my rule.”

  Halvar grunted contemptuously. “If it is gold and jewels she wishes, then she shall have them. But if she truly believes such things will be enough to secure her rule indefinitely, then she does not understand what it means to lead.”

  “I think you will be surprised what Queen Berathis understands,” Yularian retorted. “In a world largely controlled by male heirs, she has risen to the height of power. And remember, I did not say that this is what she will ask for, or even that it is certain she will want anything at all. My only warning was that she is cunning and may possibly set a price for her aid. Anything beyond that was speculation.”

  “Then we will leave as soon as we are able to meet with her,” said Keira. “If there is in fact a price, I would know what it is without delay. Shinzan will not be idle. My guess is that we have only a few weeks at best to form a plan of attack and put it into place.”

  “I agree,” said Yularian. “We must act while we have the advantage.”

  Halvar’s thought drifted once again to his devastated mountain. His heart broke every time he looked upon it. “Then I will leave the details to you, Keira,” he said. “And I would ask if it is possible for me to enter the city for a short time? There is something I would very much like to retrieve from my manor.”

  “I would need to arrange for some trolls to escort you so to avoid an attack from their young,” she replied. She looked at the pain carved deeply around his eyes. “If you would like to rest in your tent until I speak to t

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  He started to move away, but paused after only a few steps to look over his shoulder. “King Yularian. If I seem harsh company, you must forgive me. You are right. Where my people will fit into a new world does indeed weigh heavily on my heart. But I will try not to allow these troubles to affect my actions.”

  Yularian smiled. “Thank you, Your Highness. And you should know that though we are of different races, our spirits are far more alike than you might think. I too, am troubled. The future is a veil through which I cannot see. The mages are returning and everything I once thought to be true is being proven false. But I do believe if we show ourselves to be worthy of our crowns, we can create a world where all can live in peace.”

  Halvar wanted these words to comfort him, but somehow they didn’t. Without saying anything further, he continued on to his tent where he immediately opened a bottle of whiskey. For the first time in his life, he did not enjoy its taste. Even so, he forced down several gulps before setting the bottle aside and stretching out on his cot.

  Earlier in the day he had stood at the entrance to the mountain and heard the anguished cries of the troll young. Their pain mirrored his own exactly. Never had he thought it possible for even Shinzan to possess a power strong enough to cause such utter devastation. And even had he been told, he would not have believed it.

  Most of his people wept constantly. Those who did not could only stare blankly at the terrible scene, unable to accept what they were seeing. A few had even attempted suicide. Had he not been their king, he might well have done so as well. Ganix had assured him that the damage to the city itself was minimal and confined mostly to the area by the gates. This should have been comforting. But it wasn’t. His home…the home of all his ancestors, was irrevocably changed.