Dragonvein Book Four Page 34
In spite of his insistence to the contrary, Ethan had always suspected that this was what his father would tell him. He would now have to accept the situation. He was going to die at the hands of the Emperor. Nothing could prevent it from happening. It was like seeing a thunderhead approaching from the horizon; he could only stare out and await its arrival.
“Is there nothing more you can tell me?” he asked.
Praxis regarded him with a thin smile. “Only that I love you. I would have given anything to have watched you grow up. And that I am so very proud of the man you have become.”
“Thank you...father.” The final word almost stuck in his throat. “I would have liked to have known you as well.”
“There is one thing you should know,” Praxis added. “Shinzan has a vast army hidden away in the desert. He was planning to wait until he had consumed nearly all of Lumnia's power before unleashing it. But my guess is that he will do so now.” He drew close to look Ethan directly in the eyes. “You could run. Open a portal and return to Earth. He cannot reach you there. Do what I was too proud to do…what I should have done for the sake of my family.”
Ethan knew that he would never consider such an action. But the desperation on his father’s face caused him to hold his tongue. “Good bye, father. I am happy I was able to meet you. Even if it was only for a short time.”
Praxis’ shoulders sagged. “You are my son. That much is clear. Regardless of what I say, you will still run off to face your end, leaving those you love behind.” He wrapped his arms around Ethan in a final embrace before drawing back. “Farewell, Weslyn.”
Slowly his father faded into mist. The next moment, Ethan found himself sitting on the ground in front of a concerned looking Kat.
“Well?” she pressed. “What happened?”
He smiled and gave her a light kiss on her cheek. “Nothing. He knew nothing.”
“Then what are we going to do?”
He stood and pulled her up beside him. “There’s only one thing we can do. Keep fighting…and keep hoping.”
They rejoined the others to find Val in a slightly better state than when he had left. But though her tears had dried, her eyes still burned when she looked at Ethan.
“I’m sorry I was so harsh,” he told her. “I know you must be in a lot of pain right now. I should have been kinder. I promise I'll do my best to try and find a way of saving Jake.”
“Jake is dead,” she snapped. “You think I don’t know that? I’m not stupid, you know.”
“No. You’re not. But I am.”
“You’re not stupid,” she corrected. “You’re an asshole.”
Barely had she finished saying this when the loud call of a dragon carried down from above. At once, everyone craned their necks skyward just in time to see Maytra emerging through the cloud cover. As she settled onto an open patch of grass a few yards away, Ethan realized that she was even bigger than when he had last seen her. Her powerful muscles rippled, causing multi-colored rays of light to reflect from her scales. A deep rumble reverberated from the depths of her belly.
Lynial was immediately awestruck. “Such raw beauty,” he whispered.
“What is she doing here?” asked Lylinora.
“She has come to take Kat and me to Elyfoss,” Ethan replied.
She frowned. “Just the two of you?”
“She can’t carry us all,” he explained. “Besides, Lynial should see his father, and Val is going with David to Borgen.”
“So what do you expect me to do?” Lylinora demanded. “Run and hide somewhere in the Dragon Wastes?”
Seeing that she was becoming angry, Ethan moved quickly to calm her. “If Maytra is willing to bear three, you can come with us,” he said. “Considering what is coming, we will certainly be in need of your help.”
“What is coming?” asked David.
Ethan told them all about the hidden army that was likely on its way.
“Then I should stay as well,” suggested Lynial.
“No. You should see your father first,” Ethan told him. “The dwarf ship can take you there and back fast enough for you to still be able to fight with us. If that’s what you want to do.”
Lynial cocked his head. “Dwarf ship?”
Ethan laughed. “You’ll see. It’s pretty amazing.”
The youth looked at him dubiously, then slowly nodded. “I would like to see my father. But only if you're certain this ship can get me back in time.”
“You have my word,” Ethan assured him. “I guarantee there will still be plenty of fighting left to do when you return.”
After everyone had said their goodbyes, Ethan watched while Lynial used a traveling spell to sweep himself, David and Val away. Yes. Lynial would be an asset…if Renald permitted him to return.
Maytra seemed none too pleased at the prospect of carrying three of them. Even so, after a few growls and stomps, she allowed them all to mount her back. Each carefully slid into a suitable gap between the long series of spikes.
Sensing the dragon’s powerful sinews tense ready, Ethan felt almost giddy with anticipation. Moments later, they were airborne. A rush of exhilaration coursed through his veins as they climbed high above the clouds. No magic or charm could ever match this feeling. He was reminded of the first time he had made a jump during his training days. But this was even more intense. It wasn't long before Maytra began showing off her prowess, diving steeply and then rising almost vertically in a series of maneuvers. Lylinora clutched tightly to the dragon’s spine, pale-faced and with eyes squeezed firmly shut. Kat, on the other hand, spent almost every second of the aerobatics laughing loudly and squealing with delight.
The roar of the wind and the bite of the cold caused Ethan’s heart to race. He had felt all this before in his mind, but experiencing it firsthand made those memories seem dull and dreary by comparison. Far below, the world and its troubles seemed a distant thing, though he knew this was merely a fleeting sensation. He was now about to pass through the heart of Lumnia. It was the only way he could have any hope at all of saving those he loved.
The words his father had spoken to him intruded into his thoughts. 'You could run. Open a portal and return to Earth.' Well, he might not be willing to run, but…
He glanced over his shoulder to Kat. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Praxis was wrong. Not that there was any way for his father to know it. No other mage had ever possessed what he did. Nevertheless, to face his destiny head on would still take every scrap of courage he could muster.
Closing his eyes, he reached out through the bond he shared with the elves. He could hear with absolute clarity the mother... the very heart of Lumnia... calling out to him over the vast gulf of magic her power created. He now understood exactly what he must do. And though he was firm in his resolve, the arms of the woman he loved clinging to him at that moment felt like a tether preventing him from meeting his fate. It was not a tether he was eager to cut loose. Even so, that was precisely what he was planning to do.
He opened his eyes and lowered his chin to kiss Kat’s hand. Yes, cut her free he must, but not just yet. There was still a little bit of precious time remaining, and he would not waste it.
Not a single second.
End Book Four