Dragonvein - Book Three Page 6
Only with a tremendous effort was she able to pull away. Ethan stumbled forward, his hands trembling and his eyes glazed, oblivious to all but the woman before him.
“Not yet,” she whispered.
When Ethan opened his mouth to respond, she placed a finger over his lips. Taking his hand, she silently led him from the boat and down to the nearby beach. With each step she tried to remember Lylinora’s instructions, but her mind was unable to focus on anything apart from the fact that she was at last going to have the man she loved. Did he love her in return, or was the look in his eyes purely from carnal desire? It didn’t matter. Not anymore. Her love was strong enough for them both.
A large blanket that she had placed on the sand earlier awaited them. At a flick of her wrist, the torches standing in each of the four corners burst to life, filling the night with warm radiance. They sat down facing one another. Ethan took her hands and kissed the back of her fingers gently, his eyes still locked on hers.
“You haven’t asked me,” he said.
Kat smiled. “What haven’t I asked?”
“If I love you.”
Kat hesitated. A part of her wanted to say that she didn’t care. Another part was afraid of what he might tell her if she did ask. More than anything, she didn’t want her moment to be lost.
“You don’t need to –” she began.
This time it was Ethan’s finger that pressed against her lips. “I need to say this,” he said. “And you deserve to hear it.”
He lowered his head briefly and drew a long breath before continuing. “When I look at you, I can’t help but wonder what you see in me. Sure, I’m supposed to be this great mage descended from an ancient family of mages. And I’ve been told over and over how I’m destined to save Lumnia and end the rule of Shinzan. The dwarves even call me Lord Dragonvein for God’s sake.”
A short, ironic laugh slipped out. “But the truth is, I was brought up a baker’s son in Brooklyn. We lived in a two bedroom apartment on 86th Street, not some big fancy palace. I played stick ball in the streets and hung out with my friends. After I joined the Airborne, I figured the best destiny I could hope for was not getting killed by the Krauts. And as far as women go…” He gave another laugh, this time a self-effacing one. “It’s not as if girls didn’t like me at all. But none of them were ever like you.”
Kat started to say something, but Ethan raised his hand. “It’s all right. I know I’m not the best looking guy ever. I’m not Jake, or even Markus.”
This time Kat would not keep quiet. “Jake is nothing compared to you,” she told him emphatically. “And Markus is definitely not my type.”
Ethan smiled. “Well, I agree that Jake’s not the brightest guy in the world. But he’s handsome enough. And now that Markus’ scars are healed, he’s not too bad either. Lylinora seems to think so, anyhow.”
For a split second, Kat felt a pang of jealousy at the mention of Lylinora’s name. But the look in Ethan’s eyes told her that she was being silly. Whatever had been between them, it was now well and truly over. And even if Lylinora did still hold feelings for him, it was most unlikely she would ever act on them. As for Ethan – he was way too honorable to betray either her or Markus.
She remained silent.
“What I’m trying to say,” he continued, “Is that I've been finding it hard to understand why you love me the way you do. I mean, you waited for five years with no real hope of ever returning to Lumnia. And when you did manage to return, the love of the young girl hadn't faded away. No, it had grown. Hell, it had blossomed into something so wonderful, it took me completely by surprise. And you had become more beautiful. Not just on the outside, but on the inside too.”
He sighed. “I keep wondering how someone so perfect could love someone so flawed. I have these vague memories of thousands of my ancestors swirling around in my mind. Many of them are about the love they once felt for another. Sometimes I can see them in my head…and even feel what they felt. But not a single one compares to what I see when I look into your eyes. And none of them have prepared me for the way I'm now feeling for you.”
His words touched deep inside her. Kat's heart was thudding in her chest. A tear fell down her cheek.
Ethan caught the tear with the tip of his finger and smiled. “My father used to tell me all the time that if something seems too good to be true, then it probably is. I used to believe that. But seeing you here in front of me - knowing how much you love me - he was wrong. Please, never forget one thing. I do love you. Completely. I just hope that I can become worthy of you. I’m afraid I won’t be. But I promise I’ll try.”
Kat leaned in to cup his face in her hands. This was it. The perfection that Lylinora had told her about. Now was the time for her to give herself fully to the man she loved. She kissed him tenderly, then rose gracefully to her feet.
Ethan looked up at her, his loving smile never fading as she pulled her dress away from her shoulders allowing it to slip down to her ankles. Lylinora’s final words of advice whispered in her thoughts. And if the moment is right, just do what comes naturally. She stepped completely out of the dress, allowing Ethan to gaze at her body in full view. There was no feeling of modesty or nervousness. His desire for her was written clearly in his expression. This fueled her own longing.
She was ready.
A loud, piercing screech from above completely shattered the moment. Ethan was on his feet in an instant, but as he took a protective step toward Kat, Maytra landed on the blanket, barring his path. She was hissing and snarling at Kat, her head low and her tail whipping back and forth.
For a moment, Kat could not believe what was happening. A mixture of frustration and anger rose up. Then, almost against her will, she began to laugh. “I think someone is jealous,” she said.
Ethan appeared equally accepting of the situation. He joined in the laughter and knelt down next to the little dragon. “It’s all right girl. I still love you.”
Maytra reacted by spinning around and flicking her serpentine tongue angrily at him. She then turned back to face Kat again.
“I’m sorry, Maytra,” Kat said. “I'm afraid he’s mine tonight.” She took a step forward, but the dragon immediately snapped at her feet, forcing her to retreat.
Ethan frowned. “That’s enough, girl.” He stretched out his hand, but he was snapped at too, the bite missing his fingers by mere inches.
“What’s wrong with her?” asked Kat.
At this point her humor was quickly fading. She was not about to allow this creature to ruin the night she had awaited for so long. She looked around for something with which to shoo her away. But a moment later Maytra became calm and crawled into Ethan’s lap. He stroked the dragon's snout as she cooed and purred.
“It’s all right now,” he said softly. “I’m here.”
This was too much. A flash of anger passed through Kat. “Can you please make her go away?” she snapped.
Ethan looked up at her. But there was no trace of the tenderness that had been in his eyes only a moment before. Rather, they now regarded her with the intensity of a predator – slowly looking her up and down like a potential meal. A sly grin crept up from the corner of his mouth. “Truly stunning,” he said. “I can see why he wants you so much.”
With a rush of fear and panic, Kat realized that the eyes now staring at her naked form were not Ethan’s. Instantly but ineffectively, she did her best to cover herself with her hands.
He laughed, clearly amused by her embarrassment. “If you need a moment to dress, be my guest. Though in truth, I rather like you the way you are.”
Kat scrambled to put her dress back on, nearly tearing the fabric in her haste. “What the fuck is going on?” she demanded. “Who are you? And what have you done to Ethan?”
He tilted his head, still grinning. “Who am I? I could tell you. But I think you already know that.”
“Martok!” she said in a loud whisper.
“Indeed,” he replied.
��What have you done to Ethan?”
“Ethan is perfectly fine,” he assured her. “I would never harm my own kin.”
“Then let him go.” The stories she had heard about Martok should have made her afraid to be in his presence. But all she could think about right now was the safety of her true love.
“In good time, my precious beauty. But first I must do what that coward Renald would not. Then we shall talk.”
Picking up Maytra, he placed the little dragon on the blanket in front of him and began speaking to her. “I am so very sorry. You’ve been cursed for such a long time. This is going to cause you great pain. But I promise that it will subside and you will be whole again.”
Martok closed his eyes, stretched out his hands, and began muttering almost inaudibly. Gradually, a bright blue glow surrounded Maytra. This continued for more than a minute, at the end of which, beads of sweat began forming on Martok’s brow. Then the glow turned to a deep violet. Maytra let out an ear-rending scream that sounded almost human. She writhed and twisted violently until Martok eventually placed both hands across her back. At once, the tiny dragon went limp and the glow blinked out.
This done, Martok gently lifted the creature into his arms, cradling her like a newborn. “That’s better,” he said softly. There was fatigue in his voice, and his legs wobbled as he rose to his feet. He looked up at Kat. “Fetch me something soft to wrap her in, child.”
Kat hesitated.
“Now!” he commanded, with all the force and authority of one accustomed to having his orders obeyed instantly without question.
Kat scurried away to the boat and quickly found a cotton robe. After unceremoniously snatching it from her, Martok carefully wrapped the unconscious dragon, then placed her on the blanket. There was pity in his eyes. “Poor creature,” he murmured. “Made to serve as an old man’s pet when she should have been ruling the skies. You tell Renald that what he has done is unforgivable.”
“What has he done?” asked a perplexed Kat.
“He could have lifted the curse long ago,” Martok replied. “But that would have denied him her companionship. So she was forced to suffer for hundreds of years. All because of his selfishness.” He touched Maytra on the neck with his index finger and closed his eyes. “She’ll sleep for a time. But she’ll be all right. Tell Ethan he shouldn’t worry.”
Hearing Ethan’s name snapped Kat back into the moment. “So you are not trying to take possession of him then?”
Martok opened his eyes and smiled. “If I could, I most certainly would. And perhaps in the end I will. But for now, all I am doing is trying to keep him alive. And to do that, I need your help.”
This admission sent a chill into the pit of Kat's stomach. “Why should I trust you?”
He leaned back on his elbows. “You shouldn’t. But then, you shouldn’t really trust anyone, my dear. There is one thing you must always remember about our people – I’m referring to humans here, though it does apply to dwarves as well - self-interest governs everything we do. My spirit lives within Ethan Dragonvein. But more than that, my existence is irrevocably linked to the power of Lumnia. Should Shinzan be victorious, I will die. As will the spirits of my entire family going back for thousands of years. Needless to say, I do not want that to happen. So though you should not trust me, you can trust that it is in my self-interest that Ethan remains alive and finds a way to defeat our enemy.”
He rubbed his temple and groaned. “I haven’t much time. Ethan is fighting to regain control.”
That her love was able to fight back gave Kat some relief. “What do you want from me?” she asked.
“You must convince Ethan to allow me to help him. Without my aid, there is no hope. Shinzan is unfathomably powerful. Even more so than I once was. If he had ten lifetimes to learn from Renald, it would still not be enough to defeat the Emperor. Only I can teach him what he must know.”
“What does that have to do with me?”
Martok regarded Kat for a long moment before replying. “You are exceedingly lovely, my dear. But I’m sure you know this. And I do believe your love for Ethan to be genuine.” He rose to his feet and took a step toward her. She instantly jumped back, but with a wave of his hand an invisible wall blocked her from moving further. He grasped her chin with his thumb and forefinger, turning her head from side to side.
Kat wanted to flee, but his touch had her trapped. “Stop it!” she demanded. “Let me go.”
Martok ignored her pleas. “Yes…quite lovely.” His voice took on an unnatural quality, resonating and echoing as if they were standing in a deep canyon. He placed his palm firmly on her brow. “And strong willed, as well. Yes. A fine choice.”
Kat could feel heat radiating from his hand, penetrating her flesh to the point of pain. There was no respite. The heat’s intensity continued to increase, causing her to suck her teeth. She wanted to get away, but was still held fast by Martok’s power. Then, in a flash, it ceased.
“Are you all right?” called Ethan’s voice.
She realized that her eyes were closed. On opening them, she found that she was no longer on the beach. Instead, she was standing in a spacious chamber beside an elegantly crafted, silk-draped canopy bed. The floor was covered by a thick crimson rug with intricate blue and silver patterns woven along the borders. On the walls hung masterworks of art depicting lush fields and magnificent palaces. Not since she was a little girl had she been in a room so beautifully furnished and decorated.
A strong pair of hands touched her arms from behind. “Is this to your liking?”
She spun around and took a quick step back. Standing there was Martok, still in Ethan's body. Only he was now wearing an open necked, white silk nightshirt and a pair of black silk trousers. It reminded her of the clothes her father used to wear in the evening after dinner when he was ready to relax. It was then that she noticed her own attire had changed to a sheer silk nightgown and a pair of soft slippers.
“What is this?” she asked. “Where are we?”
Smiling, Martok strolled casually over to the bed and sat down. “We are exactly where we were, my beauty. Just a bit of glamour. I hope you don’t mind.”
“That’s enough,” she snapped angrily. “Take me back.”
Martok chuckled. “But I told you. We are exactly where we were. None of this is actually happening. You and I are still standing on that wretched beach. This is all in your mind.” In the blink of an eye he vanished, reappearing just a couple of feet in front of her. “And there is one thing about the mind. Here, anything is possible.”
A bright flash followed these words, after which Kat found herself sitting on the bed alongside him. She caught the faint scent of lavender and a warm breeze blew in from the window on the other side of the room.
He placed a hand gently on her shoulder. “Remember, nothing you do here matters.”
She wanted to recoil from his touch, but a wave of inexplicable pleasure washed over her, sending her passions into a sudden frenzy. She moaned involuntarily as the sensation penetrated her to the very core.
“Pleasant, is it not?” Martok’s voice was now deep and masculine. Far more so than Ethan’s.
Kat closed her eyes, not daring to look at him, or even reply. The heat of his touch was driving her mad with desire. One glance - one single word uttered - and her will might shatter completely.
“It’s all right to give in,” he said in a gentle whisper. “Nothing that happens here is of any consequence. You can do whatever you like. No one will ever know.”
She could feel his hot breath on her neck. Her resistance was fading. She clenched her fists, knowing that within moments she was going to lose control and fall into complete abandon.
“Open your eyes,” Martok's soft voice persisted. “Open them and know pure joy.”
As his lips pressed against her neck, Ethan’s face flashed through Kat's mind, his smile bathing her in pure love and kindness. It was all the motivation she needed. With a rush, her will returne
d. Her eyes flew open and she leaned back. Martok may have been wearing Ethan’s face, but she no longer saw the man she loved. He was a fiend.
“Get the fuck away from me, asshole,” she shouted. Her fist shot out, connecting solidly with the point of his jaw.
Martok jumped to his feet, an expression of deep shock contorting his face. As he did so, Kat’s foot thudded into his groin. It was a hard, clean strike, but apart from bending over for a moment, he did not appear to be affected by it at all. Kat scrambled to the other side of the bed, her eyes blazing with fury. But rather than returning her anger, Martok simply began laughing and shaking his head.
“Truly a strong will,” he remarked. “No one has ever resisted me as you have. Thank the spirits I can feel no pain in this place.”
There was another bright flash, identical to the first, and Kat found herself standing on the beach once again. Martok was a few feet away, smiling broadly. She took a threatening step forward, but he held out his hand.
“I felt no pain there,” he said. “But here, you would only be harming Ethan.”
This halted her instantly. “If you ever do that to me again…”
Her threat drew a round of hearty laughter. “You’ll do what exactly? Kill me?”
“In a way, yes,” she replied. “I’ll warn Ethan not to trust you. We’ll find a way to get rid of you once and for all.”
His laughter ceased and his eyes began to glow with a sinister red light. “You’ll do no such thing. Not if you want him to live. And don’t forget who you are talking to, girl. I could kill you with a simple thought.”
“But if you hurt me, Ethan will never accept your help.”
Her words struck home. Slowly, the glow subsided and his smile returned. “Forgive my threat. You are absolutely right to be angry. I should have never attempted a seduction. But you are such an alluring creature, I simply could not resist the temptation.” He gestured for her to take a seat on the blanket.
“I’ll stand,” she told him firmly.
Martok shrugged. “As you wish.” He sat down and regarded her for a moment, then said: “I want you to convince Ethan that he must allow me to teach you magic. You will in turn instruct him.”