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- Brian D. Anderson
Of Gods And Elves tgc-2 Page 6
Of Gods And Elves tgc-2 Read online
Page 6
“But you would see me put to death,” sheshot back.
“Have you not broken the law? Are you not in thecompany of humans? Have you not chosen to travel with them openly?”
“And why should that be a crime?”
“You should know better than most.”
Kaylia fumed, but Gewey reached out and took her hand.
“I thank you for coming,” said Gewey. “Butas you can see, neither of us is in need of help.”
Theopolou stared at Gewey holding the hand of his niecefor a long moment. “I see,” he said finally. “Thenyou have committed yourself to treason, and there is nothing more Ican do for you.”
“Treason?” Kaylia scoffed. “Then whathave the elders who sent assassins to hunt me down committed?”
“I agree,” said Theopolou. “But thatchanges nothing. If you come home I might be able to persuade theelders to let you live, but the look in your eyes tells me that willnot happen.”
“You're wrong, uncle. I have given my word that Iwill face judgment, and I will do so. But not until my task isfinished.”
“And what task is that? What business could youhave with these people?”
“That is not for me to say. At least, not yet.”
Theopolou sighed heavily. “Then if you no longerare in need of aid that only leaves one final matter.” Helooked over to Selena. “The Book of Souls.”
“That can wait,” said Lee. “I wouldspeak to Gewey and Kaylia first. There is much I have to tell themand much I would like to know.”
“Very well,” said Theopolou. “I toowould hear their account. They have journeyed where no elf has gone.How this could have happened has weighed on my mind.”
“Forgive me,” said Gewey to Theopolou. “Butthere are things you cannot know.”
“Then please omit any details you feel necessary,”he replied. “I already know that you are not what you appear tobe. That your spirit traveled beyond my reach or understanding tellsme as much. And that Kaylia was able to join you tells me even more.”
Gewey looked at Lee who just shook his head andshrugged. “Fine,” said Gewey. “But only if Kayliaallows it.”
Kaylia stared hard at her uncle. “He is wise andwill learn the truth if he stays no matter what you leave out.”
“You know me well,” stated Theopolou with ahint of pride. “But I already know that you have bonded yoursoul to the boy. That is clear. And the places his spirit traveledsay that he is either one of Felsafell's race or something… else.”
Silence fell over the room for a moment. HearingFelsafell's name caused Gewey's chest to tighten.
“What do you know about him?” asked Gewey.
“I know that he is neither human nor elf. And thathe is ancient. His people were here before humans walked the earth.Some believe that they were here before the elves, but there is noway to know. Perhaps you could ask Felsafell if he allows you to findhim. I know that his race was able to project themselves into placesunreachable by any, save the Gods. ”
“I have met him,” admitted Gewey. “Ispent the night in his home, and I saw him again just before I woke.”
Theopolou looked at Gewey in wonder. “Then I thinkI would hear your tale now.”
Gewey nodded and recounted the experience he and Kayliahad had in the spirit world.
When he had finished Lee doubled over in laughter. “Youare a wonder. Just when I think I’ve heard everything you tellus this.”
“You are a wonder indeed,” agreed Theopolou.“And the only one of your kind, unless I am mistaken.”
Lee tensed. “Whatever you may think, I'm sure youare mistaken.”
Theopolou raised his eyebrow and smirked. “I seethat you believe I shall reveal his secret. Perhaps I would ifcircumstances were different. But, as my niece has bonded with him, Iwill not. Besides, if I did, I would be put to judgment for notkilling a God when given the chance. Even my own guards would turn onme.”
Hearing Gewey's true nature said aloud brought a wave ofanxiety throughout the room.
“How long have you known?” asked Selena.
“I suspected from the moment I discovered wherehis spirit had traveled,” he replied. “But when I heardabout your experience with Felsafell there was no question in mymind. And it does explain Angraal's sudden mobilization inthe north, and their pursuit of a young boy.”
“What do you mean?” asked Lee. His thoughtsturned to his wife and son.
“Our seekers tell us that his armies gather. Hewill be ready to march by spring at the latest.”
“When did you learn this?” asked Lee.
“Just before I came here. The information can beno more than a week old.”
“How is it we have heard nothing of this?”Selena’s eyes flashed with anger.
“If you have sent spies north, they would notlikely have made it far enough to have seen anything,” repliedTheopolou. “The way is well guarded. Even my people havedifficulty moving undetected.”
“We need to start building alliances here,”said Lee. “As the elves will not join us, we should finish ourbusiness and move on.”
“Quite right,” Theopolou agreed. “Butas we are at an impasse I do not see what is left to say.”
“What business?” asked Gewey.
Lee told Gewey about the meeting. Gewey sat up straightin bed and rubbed his chin. “I would like to speak to Kayliaand Theopolou alone.”
Lee and the others paused for a moment then obeyed.
“What do you suppose they're talking about?”wondered Dina.
Lee shook his head. “If I know Gewey, he's doingsomething foolish.”
“Give him some credit,” said Dina. “He'smanaged to do pretty well so far.” Lee grunted and crossed hisarms.
Selena place her hand lightly on Lee's shoulder. “Itwill be fine,” she said softly. “If what you've told meabout the boy is true, his heart will guide him well.”
For over an hour they waited, the only interruption ahealer who brought Gewey and Kaylia a bowl of stew and some applejuice. Lee was just about to lose his patience when Theopolou came tothe door and invited them inside.
“We have come to an agreement,” said Gewey.“But, I don't think you're going to like it.”
“No doubt,” remarked Lee.
“Don't worry,” interjected Theopolou. “It'sconditional on the approval the High Lady and you, of course.”
What is it?” asked Selena.
“I have agreed to allow Theopolou to possess theBook of Souls,” said Gewey. “In return, he will help mepersuade the elves to join us.”
“Assuming I agree,” said Selena. “Howdo you propose to do that?”
“I will open the Book of Souls.”
“You'll what?” exclaimed Lee. “How?”
“If the boy truly is a God, he possesses the powerof heaven,” Theopolou explained. “With that power he maybe able to open it. If he can, it will go a long way toward swayingmy people, if not in joining you, at least not to oppose you.”
“And when they find out what he is?” arguedLee. “What then? Even elves that befriend humans hold no lovefor the Gods.”
“Nor do I,” said Theopolou. “But I donot subscribe to the notion that it was the Gods that caused theSplit. I was there.” He turned to Kaylia. “As was yourfather. I saw no evidence of divine intervention.”
“Then what do you think really happened?”asked Lee.
“That is not a thing I would discuss here. It isthe business of the elves. I only say this much to set your mind atease regarding my intentions toward Gewey. I may not wish to befriendhumans, but as Gewey is not human, I bear him no ill will.”
“I wish you could let go of the old hatred,uncle,” said Kaylia. “They’re not as we have beentold. At least not the ones I call friend.”
“You did not suffer through the Great War, or theSplit. I watched the humans take advantage of our weakness anddecimate our people. I could never trust them, and without trust,there can be nofriendship. If I can help Ge
wey convince my people to help yourcause, it is only to fight a greater threat. I do not believe thepromises made by the Dark One. Once he has defeated his humanenemies, he will turn on us and destroy us.”
“I'm still concerned about the Book falling intothe hands of our enemies,” said Selena. “How does thisagreement prevent that?” She walked to the bed and sat besideGewey.
“If I fail to help sway my kin, I will take theBook and hide it away where it will never be found,” Theopoloureplied. “You have my solemn vow on this.”
“And just how do you propose to sway them?”asked Lee.
“Gewey and Kaylia will accompany me to my home.There the elders will meet and decide.”
“Hold on a minute,” said Lee “Do youreally think we would allow Gewey and Kaylia to simply leave with youand deliver themselves into the hands of people who want nothing morethan their deaths?”
“They will be under my protection,” repliedTheopolou. “No elf will harm them while I give them sanctuary.That I return with the Book of Souls will also go far in aiding ourcause.”
“If you do this, I will go with you.” Leeplanted his fists on his hips.
“No, Lee,” said Gewey. “It can only beme and Kaylia. If we have any hope of bringing the elves to our side,we must show them we can be trusted.”
“You will not be welcome among us, half-man,”said Theopolou. “If you come then our efforts will fail.”
“Find a way to make them bear my presence if youare so bloody wise.” Lee could barely contain his frustration.
“Insults are not called for. I have given my wordthe boy and Kaylia will not be harmed.”
“And what of Kaylia?” Dina was careful notto come to close to Theopolou, afraid he might discover her heritage.“What if they decide to judge her?”
“Kaylia will face judgment,” he replied.“But not at this time. I have granted her my protection, and mypeople will honor it.”
“Let us think on this,” said Selena. “Iwill give you my answer tomorrow-in any event, they cannottravel until they are stronger.”
“I would like Dina and Lee to stay a while,”said Gewey. “They've heard my story, and I'd like to heartheirs.”
Selena smiled. “Only for a short while. You mustregain your strength.” She turned to Theopolou. “I'llhave rooms made ready for you and your escort.”
Theopolou nodded. “Thank you, High Lady. If youhave rooms that are a bit… secluded, it would make our stay morepleasant for everyone.”
“That can be arranged.” She showed no signof being insulted. “I can have your meals brought to you aswell, if you wish.”
“That would be fine.”
“Then, if you will follow me,” she said, andled Theopolou from the room.
“You certainly wasted no time in causing metrouble,” said Lee.
“I'm sorry,” said Gewey once the doorclosed. “But there is no other way.”
“I didn't say you were wrong. I just don't likeit.”
“Enough.” said Kaylia. “I want to knowwhat has happened while I was asleep.”
“Yes,” agreed Gewey. “So would I.”
“Fine.” Lee sighed.
Lee recounted the events up until the meeting. Geweysmiled when he heard about the meeting between Lee and his mother.
“It's hard to believe,” said Gewey once Leehad finished. “All this time, and she was living here.”
“Yes.” Lee chuckled. “The world isfull of surprises.” His eyes grew sad, “Now, if only Ihad word from Millet.”
Gewey thought for a moment. “I think I may be ableto find them… with Kaylia's help.”
“How would you do that?” asked Lee, unableto contain his excitement.
“I believe I can touch the mind of Malstisos. Witha healthy dose of jawas tea, and Kaylia lending me her strength-itmay be possible.”
Lee looked at Gewey doubtfully. “They're hundredsof miles away. How could you do such a thing?”
Gewey smiled wide. “One thing I realized when Iwas with the spirits is that time and distance don't amount to muchthere. Now that I know the way, I can return.”
Dina became alarmed. “But won't you risk beingtrapped again?”
“Not likely. The spirits will leave me alone now,and they are the ones who trapped me. Without them in my way, Ishould be able to come and go as I please. With Kaylia there to helpme find him, I think I can reach Malstisos no matter how far away heis.”
“I still can't ask you to risk it.” Leeshook his head. “If you're wrong…”
“He is not wrong,” said Kaylia. “Reachingout and returning is not the challenge. Finding one particular mindis. We have an advantage in that Malstisos will probably be the onlyelf in the area, and it will be easier to single him out. That'swhere I come in. Our bond allows me to travel with Gewey, and myfamiliarity with an elf’s mind should increase our chances.”
“When you say travel…” said Dina.
“I mean it literally,” replied Kaylia. “It'sdifferent than when one touches the mind of another, the way you or Iwould do. The world where we go is as real as this one in a way.”
“I am familiar with this sort of contact, as youknow,” said Lee. “But it's still difficult tounderstand.”
“As much as I'd like to show you, I'm not surewhat the risks would be,” explained Gewey. “Just imagineyourself in a dream where anything is possible, only you’rewide awake.”
“Sounds wonderful,” said Dina.
“It is.” Gewey nodded. “But it can beterrible, too. If it wasn't for Felsafell saving us, we'd probablystill be trapped.”
“That's probably the most confusing thing aboutyour tale,” remarked Lee. “Little is known about him, andif Theopolou is right about his being a part of some ancient race,then his motives are a mystery. I don't like mysteries.”
“Whatever he's after, it doesn't seem he means toharm me,” said Gewey. “Until I can see him again, thatwill have to be enough.”
“But he was the one who freed you,” saidLee. “What if the spirits decide to keep you there again?”
“They won't,” said Gewey. “Even ifthey did, I think I could escape them if I needed to.”
“And you really think you can contact Malstisos?”asked Dina.
“I do,” Gewey nodded. “Tonight, I willtry.”
Lee nodded reluctantly.
That settled, Kaylia turned to Dina. “I see youare in full dress.”
“Indeed I am. While you and Gewey slept, I waselevated to full cleric. I'm a temple historian now.”
“That is wonderful,” said Kaylia. “Iknow you'll do well.”
“I'm going to try. The High Lady has put a greatdeal of trust in me.”
“You won't disappoint her,” said Gewey. “Iknow it.”
Dina smiled and her cheeks flushed. “I hope you'reright. It's everything I've hoped for. I just didn't think it wouldhappen so quickly.” She choked back tears of happiness. “Butenough of that. Do you really think you can open the Book of Souls?”
“I'm not sure,” Gewey admitted. “I dobelieve it's the only way to bring the elves over to our side.”
“I agree that we need them,” said Lee. “ButI'm not sure this is the best way to go about it. Why not leave it toLinis and the others to sway them?”
“Do we have that kind of time?” asked Gewey.“If the Dark Knight moved on us today what would happen? Couldwe fight him?”
“Then perhaps if I can't go with you, Linis can,”suggested Lee. “We could insist upon it.”
“We could request,” corrected Kaylia. “ButLinis is an outlaw as well. It may prove difficult. But, I agree thatit's worth a try. Outlaw or no, he is among the greatest of all theseekers, and his presence carries weight.”
The door open and Selena returned. Lee told her abouttheir idea of Linis accompanying them.
“I like it,” said Selena thoughtfully. “Ithink if I agree to allow the Book of Souls to return to the elves,he will agree. I'll approach the subject in the morning.�
� Shetook a long look at Gewey and Kaylia. “I think it's time youtwo rested. We can talk more in the morning.”
Gewey protested, but Selena stopped him with one sternlook. Lee and Dina embraced them tightly and bid them goodnight.
“I'll wake you if I'm successful,” calledGewey to Lee as he was leaving. Lee nodded and shut the door.
Chapter Six
Malstisos felt a cool breeze caress his cheeks as hewalked between the massive redwoods. The noon sun shone through theleaves, making the grass sparkle like a million tiny emeralds. Theforest was familiar, but like a distant memory from childhood. Hereached over and touched the almost black bark of a nearby tree. Itshould have been hard and coarse, but it wasn't. It was soft, smooth,and yielded to his touch. He withdrew his hand in amazement. Hereached out again and gently moved his hand over the bark. Lightrippled up the length of the tree and back down again. Malstisosstood transfixed by the sight.
“This can't be real,” he whispered.
“It's real,” a voice called from behind.
Malstisos spun around, but there was no one there. “Whoare you?” There was no answer. He reached for his knife butfound that it was no longer at his side. “Show yourself.”
“I am here.” This time the voice was softerand clearly feminine.
“Why can't I see you?” he asked, straininghis eyes. The forest began to blur and shift. “What'shappening?”
“Don't be afraid. We are friends.”
“We?” he said. “Who are you, and whatdo you want?”
“It's Kaylia. I'm here with Gewey.”
“Kaylia? Why can't I see you? What is this place?”
“You are at the edge of the spirit realm. Why youcan't see me, I do not know. I suspect that you would in time. Buttime is not a luxury we have. We have guided you here, but I do notknow how long you can remain.”
“How do I know you are who you say you are?”he challenged. “How do I know this isn't just a vivid dream?”
“Does it feel like a dream?”
“Yes… and no,” he said. “I feelawake but all this…” He looked out as the forest ebbedand flowed like a green tide. “It can't be real.”